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Why Does It Matter

NGO s provide an important role in civil society. They work towards social changes and improvement on overall social grounds.

"Making a donation is the ultimate sign of solidarity. Your entire contribution is linked to a cause and direct-indirect benefit for the needy. 

Your gesture of giving improves the effectiveness of someone's life and brings smiles and blessings.

Reflecting what you are.

Disclaimer: SEPP World Foundation or any of its related entity or employees or affiliates or members or mentors do not accept CASH DONATION . SEPP World Foundation is not accountable for any such donation claims . The below BANK ACCOUNT or Payment Gateway can be used for the donation purpose.

Bank Details

Account Name: SEPP WORLD FOUNDATIONAccount Number: 10075724193
Bank Name: IDFC Bank
IFSC Code: IDFB0080152
Bank Branch: Koramangala Branch, Ground Floor, Anugopal Plaza, Bangalore - 560095

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Frequently Asked Questions


The key differentiator is, as the name says SEPP (Spot, Empower, Prevent, Protect) – Idea is not only to support people but to make them self-sustainable or to empower them with skills which helps them to enable themselves.

While most of the donations are linked to a cause , at times due to sudden social impact /natural calamity /pandemic or disaster , we prioritize the support to the most needy group.

Our maximum local connect to the servicing area or cause helps us keep our operational and staff cost low and spend maximum for the cause .

Few causes come directly under tax exemption , please check the cause details for exemption information.

SEPP is glad to invite volunteers for the causes running. You can either email to us with your intent or fill up the details in the contact us page.