Women Rehabilitation Programs

In a survey conducted among 6602 target respondents the majority of female drug users are in their twenties and thirties (77.2 percent). Heroin (29.8%), propoxyphene (21.5%), and sedatives/anxiolytics were the most often used substances (18.3 percent). 62.1 percent and 66.4 percent of respondents, respectively, acknowledged using alcohol or cigarettes. 572 people said they had used injectable drugs. 69.3 percent of those surveyed have experienced violence. The first half of the group admitted to having sex in exchange for money or drugs. 49.5 percent of respondents said they had more than one sexual relationship in the preceding year. In comparison to female drug users, female spouses had lower incomes (median 3200 rupees per month) (median Rs 4000 per month). Both groups had debts that exceeded their monthly earnings.

These statistics had made us realize that the picture of the country will be much more worse and hence we have come together to establish a roadmap for developing women rehabilitation programs. 

Program Roadmap


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