About Us
How We Work
What makes us different
Inspired by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which acts as a Universal Road map for the rights of people, SEPP World Foundation adopted the preamble sets for the overall development and social Cause Inspired by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which acts, like a Universal Road map for the rights of people, SEPP World Foundation adopted the preamble sets for the overall development and social cause.
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To build a better society it’s very much needed to ensure self-sustainability in the long run. SEPP World Foundation was formed with a motive to build sustainability and empower society/individuals.
SEPP team works with its volunteers and team members to spot the issues in the society.
Based on our study and our interactions with the impacted, SEPP chalks out a strategy to empower the impacted by various means so that a self-reliance and self-sustainability is built. As an outcome the impacted himself/herself becomes a strong pillar to support others. This chain of self-reliance and self-sustainability needs to outgrow to build a better society.
Prevention is better than cure has been a age old saying. Preventing can best be achieved by educating.
SEPP World Foundation works towards the majorly impacted segments/areas of the society and educated people as how to prevent ,detect and counter the situation. They are made aware of the government bodies who can rapidly respond to the situation.
SEPP World Foundation is also establishing ability to help needs get Legal Support as a Pro Bono.
SEPP World Foundation works towards protection of fundamental rights and rights to a livable life and social welfare. SEPP World Foundation is also establishing ability to help needs get Legal Support as a Pro Bono.

Mission & Vision
There is no situation that cannot be overcome.
SEPP World Foundation works independently with no political or religious motive. Our sole motive is to strengthen our society from negative impacts and make them self-sustainable for a long-term benefit.
As the name says of SEPP – Spot Empower Prevent and Protect, our entire working and approach towards encountering problem and sustaining remains around it.

1. We are funded by you for our society.
2. We do not accept any cash donations, any donations can be paid to our online accounts with necessary details.
3. Maximum part of your donations are spent over the cause and for running related operations in the backend and support staff.
4. In case of calamity or disaster, where society needs immediate support, funds can be routed to a different cause or project.
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics.

Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics.mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.

Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they Far mountains, far from the countries live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics.

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Establish the basic concepts of dignity, liberty, and equality.
Establish other individual rights, such as the right to life and the prohibition of slavery and torture.
Refer to the fundamental legality of human rights with specific remedies cited for their defence when violated.
Set forth the rights of the individual towards the community, including freedom of movement and residence within each state, the right of property and the right to a nationality.
Sanction the so-called "constitutional liberties" and spiritual, public, and political freedoms, such as freedom of thought, opinion, expression, religion and conscience, word, peaceful association of the individual, and receiving and imparting information and ideas through any media.
Sanction an individual's economic, social and cultural rights, including healthcare. It upholds an expansive right to an adequate standard of living, and makes special mention of care given to those in motherhood or childhood.
Establish the general means of exercising these rights, the areas in which the rights of the individual cannot be applied, the duty of the individual to society, and the prohibition of the use of rights in contravention of the purposes of the United Nations Organisation.[15]